
How To Tell If I Am Registered With The Selective Service

515 Selective Service Organisation Registration Requirement

515.1 Definitions

  1. Selective Service law every bit used in this section means:
    1. Sections 3, six, and 16 of the War machine Selective Service Human activity, every bit amended (l United statesC. §§ 453, 456, and 466);
    2. Certain Selective Service regulations (32 C.F.R. parts 1602, 1615, and 1621) and rules; and
    3. Presidential Proclamation 4771 (July ii, 1980) and certain other presidential proclamations.
  2. Residing in the United States as used in this department means residing in the l states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam.
  3. Preponderance of the show ways the degree of relevant prove that a reasonable person, considering the record every bit a whole, would take every bit sufficient to back up a conclusion that the matter asserted is more likely to be true than non.

515.2 Eligibility Requirements

515.21 Selective Service Registration Legal Requirements
515.211 People Required to Register

Nether Selective Service police force, the following people are required to register for the Selective Service on or earlier the 30th day subsequently their 18th birthday:

  1. Most male U.South. citizens who are built-in after December 31, 1959, regardless of where they reside; and
  2. Most male person non-U.S. citizens who are born after December 31, 1959, and reside in the United States, including:
    1. Lawful permanent resident aliens; and
    2. Citizens of American Samoa who are habitual residents within the United states. Habitual residence is presumed whenever the person resides in the United States for more one twelvemonth in any status, except as a student or employee of the government of his homeland.
  3. Additionally, most male non-U.Southward. citizens who are born after December 31, 1959, and become a resident in the Us after reaching the age of 18 must annals with the Selective Service on or before the 30th day after they get a resident.

The Selective Service publicizes the registration requirement to males born afterward Dec 31, 1959, in diverse ways.

515.212 People Not Required to Register

The following people are non required to annals with the Selective Service:

  1. Women. Women are never required to register with the Selective Service.
  2. Men born on or before December 31, 1959. Men born on or before December 31, 1959, are not required to register with the Selective Service, regardless of their citizenship or residency.
  3. Men on active duty military. A homo born later on December 31, 1959, is not required to register while he is on full-fourth dimension active duty in the armed forces. Even so, he is required to annals with the Selective Service on or earlier the 30th solar day later his release from full-time active duty, unless:
    1. He is already registered;
    2. He qualifies for an exemption under Selective Service law for the unabridged menstruation between ages 18 and 25; or
    3. He is historic period 26 or older (Selective Service constabulary does non allow men to register afterward they turn 26).

    If an applicant certifies during the hiring process that he has not registered because he is on full-time active duty with the armed forces, the hiring official should go on as stated in 515.v .

  4. Men under the historic period of 18. A man is non required to register with the Selective Service before turning 18 years onetime. Nether Postal Service hiring policy, an private who is younger than 18 may exist eligible for employment if sure conditions are met (see 513.2). If an applicant certifies during the hiring process that he is younger than 18, the hiring official should process his application as stated in 515.iv.
  5. Persons exempt from registration (meet 515.213).
515.213 Exemptions from Registration

A homo is not required to register with the Selective Service if he is covered past ane or more of the exemptions referred to in the Selective Service police. Descriptions of these exemptions can be establish on the Selective Service's website, .

515.214 How to Annals

The Selective Service provides a registration number to each man who registers. Men may register using one of the post-obit methods:

  1. Online registration. Men may register on the Selective Service's website, If a man registers online, the Selective Service immediately provides him with a registration number. It also mails him an acquittance carte showing his registration number, which should arrive within two weeks.
  2. Post registration. Men may register by mailing a completed registration class to the Selective Service. If a man completes and mails this form, the Selective Service mails to him an acknowledgment menu showing his registration number, which should arrive within xxx to xc days. Registration forms are available in U.S. Mail service Offices.
515.215 Tardily Registration Permitted Until 26th Birthday

Even if a man born after December 31, 1959, fails to annals with the Selective Service by the required date, the Selective Service will let him to register until he turns 26. One time he turns 26, he cannot register with the Selective Service.

515.22 Mail service Employment Eligibility Requirements

To exist eligible for Mail employment, a male born after Dec 31, 1959, must either be:

  1. Registered with the Selective Service;
  2. Unregistered and over the age of 26, if the hiring official determines that his failure to register was neither knowing nor willful (see 515.323); or
  3. Covered past an exemption to the registration requirement referred to in the Selective Service constabulary (encounter 515.213).

515.three Determination of Eligibility

515.31 Data Provided by Applicants
515.311 Required Data Regarding Selective Service Registration

During the application process, each applicant is asked the post-obit:

  1. Whether the applicant is a male person born after December 31, 1959.
  2. If the answer to question 1 is "yes," the applicant is asked whether he is registered with the Selective Service.
  3. If the respond to question two is "yes," the bidder is required to provide his Selective Service registration number.
  4. If the answer to question 2 is "no," the applicant is required to state why he meets legal exemption to Selective Service registration.

Note: An bidder may state that he has received a letter from the Selective Service stating that he was not required to register. A male born after December 31, 1959, who is age 26 or over and is not registered with the Selective Service can request a condition-information alphabetic character from the Selective Service stating whether he was or was not required to register.

515.312 Applicants Certify Data Provided

The bidder is required to certify the truthfulness and completeness of all information he provides during the application process. If the applicant provides false data during this process, he is punishable by fine and imprisonment (xviii U.S.C. § 1001). In addition, any simulated statements, whether or not made knowingly or willfully during the awarding process, may result in the loss of employment or consideration for employment with the Postal Service.

515.32 Applicants Who Do Not Certify Their Selective Service Registration
515.321 Hiring Official Determines If Bidder Qualifies for Exemption

If a male applicant born after December 31, 1959, does not certify during the application process that he is registered with the Selective Service, the hiring official will review the applicant's argument and any other relevant information the applicant provides to decide whether he has established that he meets the requirements for exemption as referred to in the Selective Service law.

515.322 Applicants on Terminal or Transitional Leave

An applicant may betoken during the application process that he is currently on terminal or transitional leave from full-time active duty in the military machine. Such an applicant may be considered for employment with the Postal Service (encounter 233.342 and 234.233 ).

If an bidder who is on terminal or transitional get out from total-time active duty in the war machine certifies that he is not registered with the Selective Service and is exempt from registration because of full-time active duty in the military, the hiring official should proceed as stated in 515.iv .

515.323 Applicants Who Do Not Establish Legal Exemption
  1. Observe to Applicant . If the hiring official determines that the bidder has failed to establish that he meets the requirements for exemption from Selective Service registration, the hiring official promptly notifies the bidder. A sample notice tin be found in Exhibit 515.323 .
  2. Asking for Reconsideration – Applicants Historic period 26 or Over:
    1. Applicants over age 26 may asking reconsideration. Applicants over the age of 26 may submit a written asking for reconsideration of the hiring official'due south negative eligibility determination based on the registration requirement.
    2. Applicants bear the brunt of proof . The applicant bears the burden of proof by a preponderance of the prove to show that his failure to register with the Selective Service was neither knowing nor willful.
    3. The hiring official decides whether the bidder has met his burden. If the bidder requests reconsideration, the hiring official — not the Selective Service or the Function of Personnel Management — decides whether the applicant has established that his failure to register was neither knowing nor willful.
    4. Information pertinent to whether failure to annals was knowing or willful. The hiring official should consider all pertinent data the applicant submitted to show that his failure to register with the Selective Service was neither knowing nor willful. Such information may include, only is not limited to, the post-obit:
      1. Full-time active duty in the military. Run into the following examples:
        1. An applicant may provide a DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty, that shows he enlisted in the armed services at historic period 17 upon graduating from high school and was released from full-time active duty before turning 26. This form, accompanied by a certified statement that the applicant was unaware or misinformed of the registration requirement, may institute that his failure to annals was not knowing or willful.

Showroom 515.323

Notifying Applicant of Ineligibility Due to Failure to Institute Legal Exemption to Selective Service Registration

[__ Post letterhead with postal installation and address__]

[__ date__]

To: [__ Applicant__]
[__ street address__]
[__ city, state, ZIP__]

Dear [__Mr. name__]:

After considering the information you provided, the Postal Service has determined that you are ineligible for employment because you have failed to either register with the Selective Service Arrangement or found that you encounter legal exemption to Selective Service System registration.

  1. If you are under the age of 26.
  2. If yous are under the age of 26, you will continue to be considered for the vacancy for which you lot take applied if you lot immediately register with the Selective Service System and submit to me written proof of such registration then that I receive it on or before the tenth calendar twenty-four hours from the date of my bulletin.

    The written proof must be in the form of a written argument that you sign and date in ink and which states as follows:

    "I certify under penalty of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, 18 U.s.a.C. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Mail service that I take registered with the Selective Service System. I have received a registration number from the Selective Service System. That registration number is ____________. I am aware that my registration condition is bailiwick to verification with the Selective Service System."

    You can annals with the Selective Service System at its website at , or by mailing a completed registration class to the Selective Service Arrangement (registration forms are available at U.S. Post Offices).

    If you lot neglect to take the actions described above, you will not be considered further for the vacancy for which you accept practical. In that event, you may apply for future vacancies after registering with the Selective Service System or providing written proof establishing that you run across legal exemption to Selective Service System registration.

  3. If you lot are age 26 or over.
  4. If you are age 26 or over, you can no longer register with the Selective Service System. All the same, you can request that the Post reconsider your employment ineligibility determination on the basis that your failure to annals with the Selective Service System was neither knowing nor willful. You can request such reconsideration past submitting to me all of the following information:

    1. A written request for afterthought.
    2. A written statement fully explaining why your failure to register was neither knowing nor willful that yous sign and date in ink and which states every bit follows:

    "I certify under penalty of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, 18 UsaC. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Postal Service that this argument is true to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that this statement is subject to verification."

    1. All supporting documentation (due east.m., DD Grade 214).

    You must submit the above information and then that I receive it on or before the 10th agenda solar day from the date of my bulletin.

    You will not exist considered further for the vacancy for which yous have applied if:

    1. You lot fail to have the deportment described to a higher place; or
    2. The Postal Service determines later considering the data you lot provide that you lot take failed to plant that your failure to register with the Selective Service Arrangement was neither knowing nor willful.


[__ signature__]
Manager, Human Resources
[__ district__]

  1. An applicant may provide a DD Form 214 that shows he enlisted in the armed forces when he turned nineteen and served on full-time agile duty until existence released later turning 26. Such a form may found that the applicant did not intentionally avoid registering between the ages of 18 and 19.
  • Mental affliction, condition, or disability. An bidder may provide information that a mental affliction, condition, or disability prevented him from knowing about the Selective Service registration requirement. Such information may found that his failure to register was not knowing or willful.
  • 515.iv Processing of Applicants under Age 18

    515.41 Applicants under Age eighteen May Go along in Hiring Process

    If a male person bidder born afterward December 31, 1959, certifies during the application process that he is exempt from Selective Service registration because he is under the historic period of 18 (see 515.212), then the applicant may continue in the hiring procedure but must meet the conditions described in 515.42.

    515.42 Written Proof of Registration or Exemption
    1. Applicants who volition plow 18 earlier engagement constructive date. An applicant who has been offered postal employment and who will turn 18 before the effective date of his engagement must, before that date, provide the hiring official with written proof of either (a) his registration with the Selective Service, or (b) his legal exemption from registration. If he fails to provide such proof, the hiring official volition rescind the offer of employment.
    2. Applicants who will turn 18 afterward engagement constructive date. An applicant who will plow 18 later on the constructive date of his date must, upon turning 18, provide the hiring official with written proof of either (a) his registration with the Selective Service, or (b) a legal exemption. If he fails to provide such proof, his employment will be terminated.
    515.43 Notice to Bidder

    Before making an offer of employment to an bidder who is under age xviii, the hiring official will provide the applicant with written observe of his obligation to provide written proof of his registration or exemption. A sample notice tin can be found in Exhibit 515.43.

    Exhibit 515.43

    Notifying Applicant Under Historic period 18 of Duty to Provide Proof of Registration or Legal Exemption to Selective Service

    [__ Postal Service letterhead with postal installation and address__]

    [__ date__]

    To: [__ Applicant__]
    [__ street address__]
    [__ city, state, ZIP__]

    Dear [__Mr. name__]:

    1. If yous have reached the age of eighteen or will do and so prior to the scheduled constructive date of your engagement.
    2. If you have reached the age of 18 or volition do so prior to the scheduled constructive date of your engagement, you lot must submit to me prior to that effective date written proof of either your registration with the Selective Service System or legal exemption to registration. If you fail to take such action, your choice will be rescinded.

    3. If you will not reach the age of 18 until on or after the scheduled effective engagement of your appointment.
    4. If you will not achieve the historic period of eighteen until on or after the scheduled effective date of your appointment, you must upon reaching the age of eighteen submit to me written proof either of your registration with the Selective Service System or legal exemption to registration. If you lot fail to take such activeness, your employment will be terminated.

    5. Written proof of registration with the Selective Service Organization.
    6. Written p roof of registration with the Selective Service System must be in the course of a written argument that you lot sign and appointment in ink and which states as follows:

      "I certify under penalty of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, eighteen U.S.C. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Postal Service that I have registered with the Selective Service Organisation. I have received a registration number from the Selective Service System. That registration number is ____________. I am aware that my registration status is field of study to verification with the Selective Service System."

      Yous can annals with the Selective Service Organisation online at its website at world wide , or by mailing a completed registration form to the Selective Service System (registration forms are bachelor at U.S. Post Offices).

    7. Written proof of legal exemption to Selective Service System registration.
    8. Written proof of legal exemption to Selective Service System registration must be in the form of a written statement fully explaining the basis of legal exemption that you lot sign and appointment in ink and which states equally follows:

      "I certify under penalty of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, 18 U.S.C. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Mail that this statement is true to the all-time of my knowledge. I am aware that this statement is subject to verification."

      In addition, you lot must submit to me all supporting documentation, including but not limited to, whatever status information letter you have received from the Selective Service System stating whether you were or were not required to annals.

      If the Postal service determines later considering the information you provide that you lot have failed to plant that y'all meet legal exemption to Selective Service Organization registration, your option will be rescinded or your employment will be terminated, as applicative.


    [__ signature__]

    Director, Human Resource

    [__ district__]

    515.5 Unregistered Applicants on Terminal or Transitional Leave during Full-Time Active Duty in the Military

    515.51 Applicants on Terminal or Transitional Get out

    If a male bidder born after Dec 31, 1959, certifies during the application process that he is exempt from Selective Service registration because he is on full-time active duty in the military (see 515.212) the applicant may proceed in the hiring process but must run into the conditions described in 515.52.

    515.52 Written Proof of Registration or Exemption
    1. Applicants who are under the age of 26. The applicant must, earlier an offer of postal employment is extended, provide the hiring official with written proof of either (a) his registration with the Selective Service, or (b) a legal exemption to the registration requirement covering the entire period since he turned 18. If he fails to provide such proof, the hiring official will rescind the offer of employment.
    2. Applicants who are over the historic period of 26. The applicant must, before the effective appointment of his engagement, provide the hiring official with written proof showing either (a) he was entitled to a legal exemption from registration for the entire period betwixt the appointment he turned xviii and the date he turned 26, or (b) his failure to register was not knowing or willful.
    515.53 Observe to Applicant

    Before making an offering of employment to an bidder who is on terminal or transitional leave, the hiring official will provide him with written observe of his obligation to provide written proof of his registration or exemption. A sample notice can be plant in Exhibit 515.v.

    Showroom 515.v

    Notification to Applicant Non Registered With Selective Service Due to Total-Time Agile Duty in the Military machine

    [__ Mail letterhead with postal installation and address__]

    [__ date__]
    To: [__ Applicant__]
    [__ street address__]
    [__ urban center, state, ZIP__]

    Dear [__Mr. name__]:

    1. If you are under the age of 26.
      1. If you are under the historic period of 26, you must submit to me prior to the scheduled constructive date of your date written proof of either your registration with the Selective Service System, or legal exemption to registration roofing the entire menses since y'all reached age eighteen. If y'all fail to take such activity, your selection will exist rescinded.
      2. Written proof of registration with the Selective Service Arrangement must be in the course of a written statement that you sign and date in ink and which states as follows:
      3. "I certify nether punishment of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, 18 United states of americaC. Department 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Postal Service that I have registered with the Selective Service Organization. I take received a registration number from the Selective Service Organization. That registration number is ____________. I am enlightened that my registration status is bailiwick to verification with the Selective Service System."

        You can register wit h the Selective Service System online at its website at , or by mailing a completed registration course to the Selective Service Arrangement (registration forms are available at U.S. Post Offices).

      4. Written proof of legal exemption to Selective Service System registration covering the unabridged menses since you reached age xviii must be in the grade of a written argument fully explaining the basis of legal exemption that yous sign and date in ink and which states every bit follows:
      5. "I certify under penalty of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, eighteen United statesC. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Postal Service that this statement is true to the best of my knowledge. I am enlightened that this statement is subject to verification."

        In addition, you lot must submit to me all supporting documentation, including but not limited to, any condition data letter y'all have received from the Selective Service Organization stating whether you were or were not required to register.

        Your option will exist rescinded if the Mail service determines after considering the data you provide that you lot take failed to establish that you meet legal exemption to Selective Service System registration covering the entire catamenia since you lot reached age 18.

    2. If you are historic period 26 or over.
      1. If you lot are age 26 or over, you tin can no longer register with the Selective Service System. You lot must submit to me prior to the scheduled constructive date of your engagement the following covering the entire period ages eighteen–25: written proof of legal exemption to registration and/or that your failure to register with the Selective Service System was neither knowing nor willful.
      2. Written proof of legal exemption to Selective Service System registration must be in the form of a written argument fully explaining the basis of legal exemption that yous sign and date in ink and which states equally follows:
      3. "I certify under penalty of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, 18 U.S.C. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Postal Service that this statement is true to the all-time of my knowledge. I am enlightened that this statement is subject field to verification."

        In addition, y'all must submit to me all supporting documentation, including merely not limited to, any status information letter you have received from the Selective Service System stating whether you were or were not required to register.

      4. Written proof that your failure to register with the Selective Service System was neither knowing nor willful must be in the grade of a written statement fully explaining why your failure to annals was neither knowing nor willful that you sign and date in ink and which states as follows:
      5. "I certify under penalization of criminal perjury (fine and/or imprisonment, xviii U.S.C. Section 1001) and/or loss of employment consideration/employment with the Mail service that this argument is truthful to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that this argument is subject to verification."

        In addition, you must submit to me all supporting documentation.

      6. Your selection will be rescinded if the Postal Service determines after considering the data y'all provide that you have failed to establish the following covering the unabridged period ages 18–25: that you meet legal exemption to Selective Service System registration and/or that your failure to register with the Selective Service System was neither knowing nor willful.


    [__ signature__]

    Manager, Human Resources

    [__ district__]

    515.6 Verification of Selective Service Registration Condition

    Every bit a quality control measure out, Human Resources will verify the Selective Service registration condition for a random number of applicants on the Selective Service's website, .

    515.7 Objections-to-Eligibles Procedures Not Applicative

    The objections-to-eligibles procedures (encounter 627) are not applicative to the disqualification from consideration for Postal Service employment of a male bidder born after Dec 31, 1959, based on his failure to meet the Selective Service registration requirement.


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